Equipment Rental: From Contract to Billing

Tools ERP system simplifies project and equipment rental management, offering unparalleled capabilities across multiple locations.


Streamline Your Projects with Our ERP Solution

Tools is a premier ERP module offering a range of features designed to optimize project management, equipment rental, and task execution. With our cutting-edge software solutions, medium to large enterprises can streamline their operations and maximize productivity.

Financial Control

Maintain accurate and real-time financial oversight. Efficient budget management.

ERP Integration

From purchase order to shipping, we integrate with other ERP systems.

KPI Analysis

Performance tracking with detailed KPI analysis and reporting.

Digitize Equipment Assembly for Comprehensive Tracking

Efficiently prepare and assemble the necessary equipment for each job. Unify data from purchase orders, experience databases and equipment lists.

Monitor Project Performance Across Departments

Managers, project engineers and technicians get a accurate and timely overview, ensuring projects stay on track and on budget.

Person testing equipment in a control room

Enhance Safety and Quality with Your Custom Experience Database

With the experience database, you can easily access and share best practices and lessons learned. Gain insights that increase the safety and quality of your operations.
Person filling out a form

Empowering Excellence

PROMA: Logistics and Rental Management

PROMA ensures full control throughout all project phases. Systematize logistics and rental to create visibility and simplicity.

Simplify Project Management

Get control right from contracting to billing. Each department and staff get full control of their task.

Minimize Human Error

Helps you minimize errors by providing a comprehensive experience database.

Two offshore workers looking at some plans

Renewing the Energy Sector

Partner with Markular for success. Our tools help you manage resources in the dynamic energy landscape, so you can drive your business forward.

Top view of an oil rig at sea